Selasa, 19 Julai 2011

Ku Li backs Bersih’s demands

Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah backed Bersih 2.0′s call for electoral reforms, describing them as “fair demands”.
This puts him on collision course with the party’s official line, which deems the polls watchdog as illegal and insisting that the country’s election system is clean.
While many of his party members including Prime Minister Najib Razak are hellbent on demonising Bersih, the Kelantan prince said the demands made by the loose coalition of 62 NGOs should be heeded if the present administration genuinely advocates justice and fairness.
“I don’t know what their intentions are. I don’t know them personally but as a democrat… given that Umno itself had vowed to protect democracy in this country, it is a must to consider all their demands,” he told a press conference in Gua Musang on Sunday.
“It is not like they are looking to topple the government,” he added, referring to the repeated accusation by government leaders that Bersih’s planned rally was a masked coup d’etat attempt.
The Najib administration also accused Bersih 2.0 of being an opposition stooge while Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia had gone as far as accusing the NGO of being “foreign agent” in a Western conspiracy to wrest federal power.
Razaleigh, affectionately known as Ku Li, suggested that it was normal for the opposition to support the group’s demands.
“They want to put in their candidates and contest too so let the voters decide. If they decide to vote for the opposition, what can we do? That is the democratic right of the voters.”
‘How are we developed?’
Razaleigh, the Gua Musang MP, said one of Bersih’s demands – a 21-day campaign period to replace the current seven to eight day period – is reasonable.
He cited Sarawak whose interiors are hard to access making campaigning extremely difficult for the opposition given its limited election machinery compared to Umno and Barisan Nasional’s powerful resources.
He also said that it is rightful for the opposition to be given a level playing field in media coverage, which is also one of Bersih 2.0′s demands.
The government is forced to be on the defensive over its handling of the Bersih rally. The “heavy- handed” response to the July 9 peaceful gathering has compelled the authorities to go into damage control mode, with Najib himself having to deflect international criticism.
The clampdown on Bersih and opposition leaders received widespread coverage in the foreign media and brought negative international attention. Authorities used what Bersih leaders called “draconian” laws to arrest more than 1,700 Bersih supporters.

Isnin, 11 Julai 2011

Siapakah Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan

Orang Melayu telitilah siapa sebenarnya Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan sebelum mengikut telunjuknya yang meminta rakyat supaya mengadakan perhimpunan haram pada 9 Julai hari ini. Orang Melayu harus melihat kembali sejarah tindak-tanduk Ambiga yang pernah menimbulkan kemarahan umat Islam, terutama orang Melayu di negara ini sebelum secara membuta tuli mengikut kehendak dan telunjuknya. Bekas Presiden Majlis Peguam itu adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab menerima memorandum menuntut pelaksanaan Suruhanjaya Antara Agama (IFC) pada 21 Ogos 2001. Majlis Peguam menerima memorandum untuk menuntut pelaksanaan 14 tuntutan IFC yang jelas sekali bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Dalam kes Lina Joy yang murtad, Ambiga mempertikaikan pelaksanaan hukum syariah di bawah Perkara 121(1A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan dengan menyatakan kebebasan beragama turut termaktub kepada semua penganut agama Islam. Beliau turut mengadakan forum mengenai memeluk agama Islam pada 9 Ogos 2008 yang membincang dan mempertikaikan secara terbuka Perkara 121 (1A). Biarpun mendapat bantahan orang Islam, Majlis Peguam yang diterajui Ambiga tetap meneruskan forum itu. Tindak tanduk Ambiga memperlihatkan diri beliau sebagai seorang yang tidak menghormati undang-undang dan Perlembagaan walaupun merupakan Pengamal undang2 dan dengan itu orang Melayu terutamanya harus memikirkan dahulu siapa Ambiga semula sebelum berhasrat untuk menyertai perhimpunan haram 9 Julai hari ini yang diketuainya.

Ahad, 10 Julai 2011

Kembali Semula...Alhamdulillah.

Hampir 3 tahun Blog anak Melayu ini di banned. Akhirnya hari ini aku dapat buka kembali, cuma semua post aku telah tiada...sedih. Dari pertengahan tahun 2005 hingga 2008...semua post aku hilang begitu sahaja. Sensetif sangatkah bila aku bercakap soal Melayu, racist kah aku jika aku meletakkan diriku sebagai Malay Suvivor. Kenapa blog aku harus di banned. Dimanakah keadilan untuk aku bersuara...??? Kenapa golongan Opportunist benci sangat dengan blog aku. Susul kemudian blog Lan Datuk Dagang pula jadi mangsa di banned. Menggugat negara kah bila aku bercakap soal melayu...??? atau aku ini hanya menggugat golongan Opportunist. Selamat bertemu kembali.